So, Mira's doing that thing all kids do: grow.
She's not only HUGE for her age (the size of a 4 year old and not quite 2.5), but she's doing the other types of growing.
She's not really into talking much.
She's very mischevious (in the sweetest way possible, of course!).
She is completely independent.
This girl does NOT like to have attention called to her, but she loves attention when she brings it on herself.
And boy, oh boy, is she a clever vixen!
In our living room, I have about a 4ft x 10ft area quartered off for my "office/studio/craft supply" area, and in that area, there are stashes of bubble wrap. First, I'll ask you - who doesn't love bubble wrap? Right, everyone. Then I'll ask you - what proper 2 year old would be able to resist it? Right, not one single 2 year old would be able to resist it. So, every chance she gets, if I'm in the kitchen, or engrossed on the computer, or in the shower or changing my clothes or otherwise disposed, I hear the crinkle of plastic between tiny fingers and subtle pops. Wherever I am, I usually call out "Step away from the bubble wrap!" and the crinkling stops... for a minute or two. Of course, this office area is also the most favorite place for our kitty to take his mid day naps in the sunshine, on a shelf that is just the same height as our windowsills. Our window sills are about 2 feet from the floor, so this provides a perfect height for Mira to join her kitty buddy for a little gazing out the window and slap and tickle time. These are also prime opportunities to "play" with the bubble wrap. So, today, when they were in their corner, sharing their fun times together and I heard a little crinkle of plastic, I snapped my neck to look around at her and see what she was up to. She totally knew what was coming, so she looked up at me innocently as if to say "I'm not playing with bubble wrap", upon confirmation, I said "You're fine." to which she answered "I know." and went on about her business.
Then last night after a game of "take every single book off the shelf and knock it onto the floor", I asked her "Do you want to pick up your books and put them back on the shelf?" and SHE COUNTER OFFERED ME! She asked me, without missing a beat "Do you wanna cook?" I was shocked! I'm still shocked!
Then there's the plain to see idea that clothes are completely inappropriate and should be banned in at least 12 states, but shoes and coats are fine.
And if you ask her if she wants a bath, she'll tell you "No", but 10 minutes later, when it's her idea she'll ask you "Bath?"
We're winding down from the terrible twos, but they sure do like to rear their scary head here and there.
We've jumped over the major bloodfest hurdle already too, after Mira went running out of the kitchen, tripped on her own feet and went sailing through the air head first into the doorjamb where a vacant hinge was waiting to greet her forehead with open arms. Funniest thing about that is that she climbs on everything, jumps off like she thinks she's a flying squirrel and lands fine, but she does a simple sprint out of the kitchen and the next thing you know you're wondering if it's time for stitches or a helmet.
It's so fun to see her grow and watch her trying different things to see what works and try to remember what worked the last time. She's totally interested in cooking now, which makes me very happy - I can entertain her while I cook instead of hoping the books and animals would help me out til dinner was ready. She still loves her letters and numbers, and plop a notebook in front of her with a few pencils and she gives a sigh like she hasn't seen home in a week and goes to work. I love her wit, I appreciate her quietness and good grief, do I just admire the shit out of this kid. She's amazing. They're all amazing.