Saturday, November 8, 2014

Less is More? Sure.

I just realized I akin blogging to dating. Maybe not completely, but sort of? So you want to share, and you really want to share a lot - maybe too much, but then in the interest of self preservation, you don't want to share too much. Share a lot, but not too much. Give yourself away, but protect yourself. Give, retract, publish.

I always hated dating. You have to either know someone to date or meet someone to date then you have to, like, get to know them.
You have to let them get to know you.
You have to figure out what they like or may not like about you and shelter or hide those unlikeable things.
Oh, wait. No you don't! Hah, maybe that's why I was never good at dating? Well I guess I think the only things worth working that hard for are things you already know will have a lasting affect on you. Like family, or self, or work.

But I like blogging... I can safely practice self preservation and give away just exactly what I want to AND even if you're reading this and you hate it and you leave a comment as such: I am free to shrug my shoulders and walk on. The internet is pretty cool like that. The personal edge is gone. Somehow when I don't see your face, I extra-extra with cheese and a side of fries do not give a fat flying flip what you think! Hahah! It's so freeing! I feel like a balloon! Look at me! Look at me! I'm pretty, and floating in the sunshine and my head is full of air and only happy thoughts get through my rubbery blue translucent skin! The sunshine moves through me and I float and float freely and my mind thinks freely and is unaffected by anything it does not specifically want to be affected by!

Ahhhhhhh, a great sigh of relief. Man, I wish I could just do that balloon thing on command. I would NEVER loose my cool! Gosh, I'd just be super freaking happy ALL THE TIME!

And just annoy the ever-lovin' bejeezels out of everyone. Meh, you win some, you lose some. I'm going to work on the balloon thing. Not because I want to annoy you: I promise. Because I want to be cooler, calmer, more collected, more patient, happier, you know, all that stuff.

Besides I have a lot to be happy about. I mean, I really have A LOT to be happy for. So much. So much.

Whenever I feel hopeless and down and I have the sense to call my brother, he likes to listen to me for a minute, say "Aw, I'm sorry you're so unhappy. Sometimes I have to really think of things to be grateful for, and it's not easy when I'm really upset." Then he lets me agree with him, and usually I say something like "I know that's right, but I have no idea...." to which he asks "Do you have toilet paper?"


There it is.

And then there's also the balloon thing.

I guess I'm getting way off track here.

I'm writing about dating. I'm writing about ways to stay on the happy track. Maybe I'm writing about a little more than that. You be the judge.

And while you're judging me (  :D  ) take some time and be happy for me! I have so much to be happy for! I'm alive! I'm a mother! I have people in my life who love me! I have work! I have LOVE! I am newly engaged to be married! I have wonderful plans for the future!

Link of the day:

P.S. If you want to tell me what you're happy about or not happy about or just list things that make you happy or even things that make you angry: that'd be pretty cool.