Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 80:

I'd like to take this opportunity to say first that I have faith in humanity. I am not a negative person, I try to see the good in every situation and I am most certainly the type of individual who can laugh through a surprising inconvenience. What, CRY over spilled milk? Oh hell, let's just laugh about it then work on cleaning the shit up. Let us definitely not get ANGRY about it - that gets on my nerves; the milk is ALREADY SPILLED, do you think your ANGER is going to magically clean it up and make it unspillable milk?
I mean, really...
But I will tell you one thing that makes me angry: People who blatantly make rude comments about others without regard to their feelings OR what they may have been through in their life previous to their rude and thoughtless behavior.
What is the point of that exactly, anyway? Does it really make someone feel GOOD to call someone else FAT in a parking lot? Really? I just don't understand it, and it totally pisses me off. So what if you think he's fat or she's fat: so what if he really IS FAT?!? What's it to you? You think they don't know? You think they really have no idea? Like it's not shoved in their face every single day. Give me a break, it's just stupid.
It's not just when they say the word "Fat" either, it's all kinds of stuff that sets me off.
You think it's a good idea to make fun of someone for what they're wearing? Maybe THEY think they look great and MAYBE it's not up to YOU to RUIN THEIR FUCKING DAY BY OPENING YOUR RIDICULOUS MOUTH!
Oh yeah, and how about those flamboyant personalities who can't help but be noticed from several feet away, you think it's doing anyone any good to call out the "F" word on them? Like they've gotten through their whole life so far without noticing they have a flamboyant way of being? Maybe they like who they are and maybe they don't but who the hell are YOU to go pinning stereotypes on people anyway?  You think you're so freaking wonderful you get to call the shots? You're just showing your ignorance, self pity and stupidity, but for some reason it also affects others, usually negatively. What, misery loves company? How about you just try to buck up and do the right thing and make your own life better instead of dragging all these other nice people down with you in your little stenchy pool of stagnant piss.
I hope you, my reader aren't really that type. I just use the word "you" because it's easier that trying to find some other way to describe the person who partakes in this kind of awful activity.
Anyway, I still believe in the best of the human race, just getting a little aggression out.

On another note, anyone else enjoying the delicious apricots this season has had to offer? I don't recall them ever being so delicious as this before. Yesterday, I literally ate 8 of them. If you haven't tried any, I suggest you do. The US grown organic variety to be specific.

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