Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 139: I have a secret.

I have a secret. Not the kind of secret you keep on purpose. The kind of secret you keep because it never comes up in conversation. Never.

I have the urge to take pictures of dead things. Also, to put FOR SALE signs on things and take pictures of them.

There's something symbolic about both of those things and I wish I could blame the urge on that. Unless I have a primal urge to relay subconscious symbolism that I don't know about - I can't claim it a purposeful genius. 

I did try once for about a year to follow through with these urges. This was about 7 years ago... I don't know why I stopped. I got such a surge of satisfaction, like I was committing major societal breakthrough or something: the satisfaction level was so strong.

Maybe I should take this up once more, start carrying my camera around with me.

I especially love the idea of (and actually) taking pictures of roadkill. Yes, I know it's weird. No, I'm not scared to admit it. It's part of who I am. No need to be ashamed. It's not something I sought out to be enthralled with: it just comes to me. Every time I see roadkill, I mentally picture it as a photo. I picture the appropriate angle and everything. The urge is that strong!

And yes, I know it's a little wrong to take pictures of dead things without their permission (maybe I should ask them permission?), but there's a little thrill that comes from that aspect.

Well, I think that is just about enough sharing of myself for one day!

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