Holy moly, I just love being a mother. Whatever and everything that entails: I love it. Even when my daughter has been a little poo flinger and I'm disturbed and disgusted and scared that we're all going to get sick if one little speck gets missed in the cleanup: I love it.
My favorite part?
There are several of those.
I love it when she knows she's done something bad and she tries to get out of the negative consequenses by looking up at you after you say a stern "NO!" and saying a sweet "Hieeee!" in rebuttal. As hard as you might try: you'll giggle despite your intense need to stay strong.
I love it when she's all angry at being in the carseat or whatever and she's skreeching her little "Eeeeeek!"s, and you play a little peek-a-boo with her and those skreeches turn into giggles in 20seconds flat.
I love it when I go to check on her because she's been quiet for just long enough to be getting into trouble, and I find her quietly sitting and "reading" a book: turning the pages and studying each one before turning to the next.
I love it when I see her go to attempt something new, something I just know she cannot do, but I let her try anyway because that is the only way she will ever learn for herself how to do things: and he blows my mind by being completely successful.
I love it when she is participating in self play and suddenly bursts into song or a random string of words she knows: "MIMI! MIMI! MIMI!" (translation: that is her name) "Mmmmmah!" (translation: kiss and milk) "Alilililililigadew" (translation: alligator) "Bee!" (translation: the letter "b", and bear) "Abidad" (translation: Wombat - our cat's name) "Eeowwww" (translation: meow) "Duck" (translation: duck or dog) "Wow!" (translation: wow) "No" (translation: no) "Iiiiita-iiiiiita-iiiiiitabateeee, aaaaaaaaaaaay!" (translation: the itsy-bitsy spider song)
I think my favorite thing that she does this week is when she says her name over and over and over again while shaking her head "no". So funny. And it also lets me know that she is paying attention to when she is being told "no". I hope the action leaves a bigger impression than the "no", but that remains to be seen.
And she had her first REAL time out time today... A full 5 minutes in a chair, facing the wall. She hated it. I hope she learned something. I hope it wasn't just an unpleasant experience.... I guess that remains to be seen as well!
Link of the Day!
Not to shove anything in your face, not to say I know a lot and you should know the same things. Just a little sharing of my life experiences through links I randomly find on this here internet. I hope you get something out of them:
I love this. And how funny that you get the "can't help but giggles" when Mira is naughty, then creative.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was, golly, four, I think, I remember singing while I played. I don't remember how if I was getting tired of singing or was just running out of songs, but I asked Mom (Grandma Margaret) if she could turn on the radio, and she declined. She said she liked my singing more than the radio. Thank you, Misty, for being exactly who you are :)