Yesterday I celebrated with my daughter, who turned two years old.
She wanted a piece of bread for breakfast. No cereal, no egg, no toast, just bread. Which was the first time that's ever happened.
It's like she knew it was a special day and she could make any odd request she wanted.
I often try (very hard) not to write about my daughter, or about being a mother. I love my daughter and I LOVE being a mother, but I know that not everyone else wants to read about it. I also know that if Mira were to one day read all this, she might be more interested in the role she didn't play in my life. I hope that she feels like she knows enough about that already.. I hope I fulfill her needs for love and affection enough that she doesn't ache for more when she's older.
But part of me knows that's not possible. We always want more from our parents than they can offer. It's part of the human struggle.
Being a mom is seriously the best thing that has ever happened to me. Having Mira gave me perspective for progress. Looking around I saw plenty of other people who had perspective to grow and have success without children. I never really had that though. I just wanted to live, reasonably comfortably, experience some things and learn about loving life.
My schedule revolved around work, not meaningful work, just the kind of work you acquire to get by or to get ahead.
Now my schedule revolves around Mira (and work too, but only one job), family time and my own personal business ventures.
Notice the first piece is Mira. I love her so much. I love hanging out with her, talking with her, teaching her, tickling her, laughing with her, helping her work with me around the house.
And I couldn't be more proud.
This kid, she's amazing.
I know they're all amazing, but I think I'm allowed to feel like my own child is the most amazing.
Mira is kind, loving, sensitive, thoughtful and smart. Selfish, of course, but that's okay, we need a little bit of selfish in all of us to be healthy.
I have to brag a little. I just have to.
This kid knows her alphabet verbally and visually.
She can now without faltering count to ten too!
She's just barely two!
She knows most of her color names and is totally into art.
She's so amazing.
I'm so lucky to have had her.
I miss her when we're apart, I worry when she's leaving a room and I can't wait to see her next.
I cherish every single minute with her -even the tough ones and I'm blown away at how much I look forward to and love when she grows.
Love your kids. Look through those tough times, love all the times you have with them or you'll miss the opportunity to see how wonderful they are. Realize that you can live your life and still love them, teach them and give to them. When you give your kids more than you think you have, you grow as a person and you realize you have so much more than you ever thought you could.
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