Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 414:

A few years ago.
I learned.
Everyone I love.
Leaves me.

And if they haven't yet, I'm resigned to the knowledge that they will.
And you will too.

The realization came all in one 3 month period where like 9 people I loved, cared about and who helped truly shape me in various ways all left. For different places at different times and for completely different reasons, but it seriously felt like every week another person was leaving.

You know what, good for them, it's not about me.
But seriously - why does it have to be EVERYONE I GET CLOSE TO?

Either they leave me or I leave them.

It's just strange.

I mean, right now, the mainstays in my life are Brendan and Mira. Mira will leave for sure. I'm mostly certain Brendan will stay, and that's what I have my heart set on.

But so far history has had a different lesson for me.

I guess we'll see.

As a side note, I have an idea about a great way to germinate seeds indoors without using soil.

As another side note: I'm working on more handmade goods. I love making things.

As the last side note for the day: I bought the paint required to paint my doula logo. Bright, shiny, healthy starts.
For real.

Link of the day:  

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