Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 398: I almost stole today.

So Brendan and I like to go for drives.
We don't do it often, certainly not as often as we like. But driving around does give us a better perspective of where we live, what else lives around us, and great places to go for future picnics.
While out on our lovely drive in today's damp, warm and very very green afternoon, I was driving, and we came over a little bit of a knoll. As soon as we'd crested the small hill, I saw two little black dots running together, almost like they were one thing, but two lumps of one thing.
"AH! NO! GET OUT OF THE ROAD, YOU! YOU! Whaat arrrrrre those?" I asked Brendan as he stifled giggles at my screeching and swerving - huge overreactions.
Of course, I'm not stopping the car, because my fight or flight response at the time was saying flight, flight, flight. But we realize at just about the same time, that they were baby ducks!
Little brown/black baby ducks (or maybe geese) with tiny speckles. Two little baby ducks, running free on the road.
"Uh, I don't think THAT seems right." I said
Brendan agreed, I mean it IS strange to see little ducks, little baby ducks running around on their own. We decided they were either domesticated or their mother had met some terrible passing (possibly a car?), and that's why they were out running along, right on the road.
Not safe. Not cool.
"Maybe we should rescue them!"
I have to admit, I was deviously excited, hoping, just HOPING those cute little duckies needed to be rescued and thinking that home in my tub would be WAY better than out here on the road.
So, out Brendan got, with a box - how fortuitous that we had a box! I drove on ahead until I found a good place to turn around, then I hit those hazard lights and drove very slowly.

Imagine my disappointment when I realized Brendan was NOT catching the ducks and terrorizing them into a cardboard box.
Totally makes me giggle now.
"I think we scared them." He says.
I have to admit, I think so too - but I'm really happy we did scare them off the road.

We stood and watched them toddle together, like one thing made of two lumps, bouncing up the hill together, toward a house - a farm house with evident other animals. A safe house for ducks, domestic or wild and abandoned. I laughed at how cute they looked almost glued together like that, running away from us. I pictured an entire week of them at our home, in the tub, out of the tub, running from Mira, playing with Wombat. Oh, that was a fun week in my head - probably will always be a wonderful week in my head: those are the things that don't leave your head I hope.

So, yeah, we almost stole some baby ducks today.

Link of the Day: I hope it broadens you're focus, but that's not up to me.

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