Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 399: On Demons

I hear people say "Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer."

 Which instantly makes me paranoid, like I hope they don't mean I'm an enemy & they're just letting me know where I stand in some weird way.

Then I turn introspective. I can't find personal context for that. Because for me to accept the idea of "keep your enemies closer" I have to understand the process of it.
So, in my mind, I'm envisioning how a person keeps his enemies closer: you have to identify someone as your enemy, your nemesis, a demon, as someone who is out to get you. You then have to learn enough about them to form a relationship with them. You have to actually follow through and form that relationship and be nice about it so they don't mind "keeping you close". Then you have to maintain that level of close relationship with that person who you don't like who you think is out to get you and who you really don't ever actually want to have in your life at all. 

And let's face it: we all have these people in our lives at one time or another; these Demons.

And then you have to live with the lie that you are actively learning about and being nice to someone that you potentially wish you never knew in the first place.

I don't get it. I really don't get it. I mean, I understand the process, I guess I understand the goal, but...
I think this is so difficult for me to understand because my biggest demons are within me.
I have no choice but to keep them even closer than friends.
And I really, really REALLY wish that weren't the case.

Besides, I can deal with people I don't want to be around. I just walk away, or give the short answer and wait out the moments they've crossed my path. I have a complete disregard for negativity in my life. There's really so much of it around that I don't contend with the idea that keeping negative forces close to me in any capacity would or could be helpful to me in any way.

But I suppose I understand the people who do. I mean, fear makes us do very strange things. Fear and love both, right? Do you think if they were people, fear and love; do you think they'd be friends?

Link of the Day:
Look at it or don't, there's no need to criticize.

1 comment:

  1. They'd be both friends and enemies.
    That's the eternal duality: fear and love, negative and positive, summer and winter, life and death.
    I could never understand keep your enemies closer either. Once you really got to know them, how could you consider them your enemy? Wouldn't you begin to understand their reasoning and motivations? Wouldn't that make them less of an enemy?
