Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 1.5

Well, I've just spent the last several hours napping (I guess I couldn't sleep), printing and organizing business education materials (think I'm gonna need a bigger binder), and designing my blog.
For some reason the last couple of weeks have left me with a few sleepless nights. I might sleep for an hour or so, but then I'm up. And I mean UP! I'm ready to make some serious headway! But the drawback to being awake and motivated throughout the middle of the night is that the other members of your family are sound asleep. If you know what's good for you (and for them, of course!), you let them continue sleeping. So I wind up using the computer quietly or reading or trying to read. Sometimes I even just creepily roam around my apartment thinking of all the things I COULD do if only it weren't the middle of the night. Oh, but in daylight I can't seem to find the motivation! Or the time!
I've just been taking, over the last 5 weeks, an internet course for Business Law for the Small Business. It has really been helpful - only $90 for a wealth of invaluable information. But the course is coming to a close very soon and I want to keep the information available to me for future reference, so I printed out all of the lessons. I plan on hole punching each page and neatly placing those pages in a 3-ring binder for safe keeping. We'll see if I can manage to make that happen! I'm starting to realize there is a lot of information I want to keep ahold of for later reference -  I've printed out numerous tax publications from both the IRS and the NYS tax commision. I've also got some information printed from the SBA site not to mention numerous other sites and what nots. So, yeah, I think I'm going to need a bigger binder. Or maybe two more bigger binders. One can never be too prepared!
On the last note, I might need some help.
Does anyone know how to explain getting my photo up for the blog?
I filled out my profile and uploaded a picture for that, assuming the photo there would be my blog photo too. Not so. And every time I click on where I think the link will be to upload my photo... It's just not the link I'm looking for.
Pointers, anyone?

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