Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 19:

Well, it's been a long week. A very long week indeed. Many sleepless nights, lots of reading, research, writing and talking for doula certification, plenty of food cooked & recipes tried.  Now it's time to prepare for three days of intensive commuting and working with not much time for anything else. These weeks go by so freakin fast. I get a lot done, but it's never everything I needed or wanted to get done. I think I definitely did not sleep enough this week, but there still just wasn't enough time to go around.
Anyway. Speaking of recipes, I just tried a silky tofu & frozen fruit smoothie recipe... It's okay but does anyone out there know of any? I'd really like to try something else. I used about 4oz each frozen berries & silken tofu with maybe a teaspoon and a half sugar. Maybe I should use honey or molasses?
I noticed I write with a LOT of exclamation points. I don't think I mean to. I think if I have any exuberance at all in my head when I think out a sentence or a thought, it deserves an exclamation point. Is this true? When is an appropriate time to use the dang things? Because I think it might be apparent I don't know.

It sure was a lovely day out there today, not too hot but warm enough to wear minimal clothes and get away with it.

Happy exclaiming!


  1. I figure exclamation points lose their effect if I use them too often--but I do go back and take them out a lot, so it's obvious my instinct is to use them! (Yes--that deserved one.)

  2. Yeah, I agree. I do a lot of going back and taking some out too. I think I just get caught up in each sentence as I'm writing. (It was a struggle not to use one there)

  3. as a raw food lover and enjoyer of all things smoothie......always, ALWAYS add 2 soaked dates to any smoothie....the only and healthiest sweetener EVER!

  4. Wow... Thank you SO much for that! I am bewildered! I wish I had thought of that, seriously, thank you!
