I am officially raising a hoodlum. The poor kid never stood a chance did she? I mean, with a punk like me for a momma. I dress "normal" and all that, but deep down inside is a raging punk girl who says ftw and you too.
Maybe I'm being a little dramatic.
Here's the deal:
Mira said shit. Not once or twice or even three times, but REPEATEDLY. And a little voice somewhere inside me said "YAY!" as I giggled uncontrollably. Don't worry, I turned my face so as not to encourage such a thing, but really - aren't there WAY more important things I need to worry about? Honestly, I think "proper language" is pretty low on my list of things to teach her. Grammar being one, correct verbage being another. I, personally don't mind if she uses a swear word as long as she uses it correctly in a sentence. Is that so wrong?
Besides, half the people (only half) I hear complaining about cuss words coming out the mouths of babes have much more serious issues going on in their lives like addiction, abuse, laziness or just down right bad manners. True there are some words that should never EVER be used as they carry an entire history of murder, mistreatment and oppression with them. But shit? Shit's no big deal.
I remember when I was a kid, some kids got sent home for cussing, but not for bullying or being mean or lying or sometimes even for fighting. There's something wrong there.
She's not purposefully saying shit.
She's trying to say something else altogether, but it's coming out sounding like shit, literally.
Anyone familiar with Cake's song "Nugget"?
Well, if you aren't you should be - there will be (and I promise this) a day when you want it for your own.
Here, check it out, but don't listen with any kids around: it's catchy and they WILL repeat it.
Cake: Nugget -----From the album Fashion Nugget
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