Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 21: What's that saying?

Some days you bite the bear, some days the bear bites you?
Some days you bite the tiger, some days he bites back?
What is it?
I obviously don't know, but I'll tell you what I do know for sure:
I STRUGGLE with my diet - by "diet" in this sense I don't mean "I'm on a diet" (even though I am, sort of), I mean my overall, general eating habits. I would like to eat healthy, I read labels, I do like healthy food and I often stop myself from eating unhealthy food. But, like, right NOW, I'm eating pizza. Some pizza can be healthy, but not the stuff I'm eating right now - it's got partianally hydrogenated oils, preservatives out the wazoo an NO veggies - I don't even think the sauce counts for tomatoes because it's over processed and has (I'm sure) petroleum based preservatives and flavors. Why is it SO HARD sometimes to just eat healthy food?
I honestly want to know!

I've heard of studies done where they conclude that junk food is addictive. And why in the hell would THAT be? Aren't humans supposed to be some sort of sophisticatedly evolved creatures? Then WHY do we get addicted to stuff that's BAD for us?
Heroin? Sure!
Tobbacco? SURE!
Alcohol? Sign me UP!
Junk food? Oh, Yummy.
Something healthy and wholesome and GOOD FOR YOU? Oh hell no.

I smoked for 15 years and quit within 2 months of finding out I was pregnant with Mira. But junk food? I can't seem to shake it! I like a little junk in my trunk, don't get me wrong, it's all the unhealthy diseases, disorders, dysfunctions and short life span that get to me.

Frustratingly Enjoying My Pizza

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