Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 28: Happy Father's Day

Hey, Daddies, you are awesome, Happy You Day.
I don't wanna hear about "But I'm not a Daddy"
Because in some way or another, you are.
A daddy takes care of someone or some thing that otherwise would perish.
So if you have a dog, a cat, a fish, a rabbit, a lizard, a plant, even a gleam in your eye - you are a father.
Oh yes, even a gleam in the eye counts. Do you know why? Because every day you forge forward in this life, you are in training for the time that comes when you WILL be a daddy; even if it's for a dog, cat, fish, lizard or plant. You are building experience that you can pass down or use to protect your charge.
So be proud, be loving, be amazing: YOU ARE DAD!

My daddy is awesome. I've laughed with him, cried with him, yelled at him, been yelled at him, drank beer with him, stayed up WAY too late listening to records with him, learned about the world with him, formed my opinions with him, been the recipient of yellow roses for friendship from him on birthdays. He warms my heart, makes me laugh, encourages me to tell jokes and be funny. From him I learned that every day - EVERY SINGLE DAY - is another opportunity to be loved, be loving, accept fault and to be kinder than necessary. From my father, I learned how to be a mother.

I love you, Dad!

Oh, and if anyone wants to know: you can make your own salsa at home. All you need is:
some kind of food processor or blender
some tomatoes
about a quarter of an onion per 4-5 tomatoes
probably half a pepper per 4-5 tomatoes
1tsp per 4-5 tomatoes
1tbsp olive oil per
1tbsp white vinegar per
Blend it all up, baby and you have some kick ASS home made salsa to impress all your friends with at all those parties you go to! ;)

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