Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 293: For Shame, For Shame

You ever felt ashamed?
Sure you have, you can admit it.
At least I'm telling you that you can admit it because I'm about to.

Not about big stuff, just about little stuff - I'll leave my big stuff in my closet and you can do whatever you want with yours. I'm keeping it a bit light for the sake of conversation.

But yeah, I mean little stuff, like:
-If you're on a diet with excercise trying to lose weight, and you opt in for the butter on your muffin (sweetened with applesauce, of course!)
-You offer your daughter a blue crayon when she can't decide what color to start with even though you secretly want to hand her the pink one "because pink is for girls" and that's the one you would want to start with if you were her
-You go out for shopping or laundry or another errand and you enjoy your time away from your family (Don't worry, I always want to come back, but believe me, I'm savoring the time outside)
-Your partner asks you if you have any cash and you say no even though you know you have at least $2 cash money in your pocket right then (oh, come on, I know you've done that too - it's only $2!)
-You try to think of ways of getting around answering a question or explaining something in detail to your very young child even though you generally pride yourself on talking to her like a "normal person".
-You told yourself you were going to do 3 sets of your workout routine today but you only did one (or none)

I think you see what I mean. This wasn't intended to be confession time. I just wanted to throw it out there - all that shame. It's all over little stuff - don't sweat the small stuff , yeah , I get it, but let me tell ya: all that small stuff adds up sometimes!

So, you just keep sweating the small stuff, but don't give it more sweat than it's worth. At least I'll try if I know you're out there doing the same thing. Besides, we all have stuff to be plenty proud of to overshadow that little creeping shame.

Cheers to you and all that awesome stuff you do.

I'm going to go look for some healthy and delicious recipes.

Link of the day:
I'm not all knowledgeable, and I know that - I don't mean to suggest that the links I post ARE either. I do hope you like them and that your wealth of knowledge is even the slightest increased by each.

http://www.politicalcompass.org/test (<- Try it out, just for kicks)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 286: Sweet stuff and look over the bluff

So, in the interest of learning exactly what is in my food, I have taken to task trying to learn exactly how I can make things at home. I feel like being able to make my own food will shed some light on what ingredients are supposed to look like as opposed to manufactured food where chemicals replace real food ingredients. I have already learned to make my own soda pop and learned that it does not need to contain high fructose corn syrup nor does it need to contain any preservatives if I make it at home.
In the interest of shedding some light on this, I will share instructions on how to make your own Ginger Beer, Ginger Ale or whatever you prefer to call it:

First, you need to know the basic recipe for simple syrup. Simple syrup is one of the most basic ingredients for a lot of sweet beverages like soda pop, shakes, smoothies, snow cones. I think you get the picture.

To make a simple syrup you simply need to combine 2parts sugar to 1part water, heat until the sugar is dissolved completely. Done. Most often it is easiest to make in batches using the 8oz "cup" measurement, so I will be using this increment in my following description.

 (we'll make an example out of ginger first, then I will give you clues to making other flavored syrups)
-Skin your ginger root (just take a knife and either scrape that crusty skin off or cut it off, whichever method you prefer)
-Slice it into very thin disks (very thin being thinner than a nickel)
-Mottle (which basically means take a blunt object and smash the bejezums out of it til it's good and squished so that you release the flavors locked inside the cell walls of the fruit, herb or spice)
-Place in a pan on your stove
-Add 1cup water
-Simmer (or heat on very low heat, just enough so that it is to warm to touch for very long) for about half an hour (which will make your house smell awesome)
-Strain (some people like to leave the chunks in, but most people want a smooth syrup. Also: a chunkless syrup will keep in your refrigerator longer than one that has food particles in it) with a cheese cloth lined strainer (you can keep all the strained out pieces for breads, jams or ice cream topping)
-Pour liquid into a measuring cup and make sure you are still at 1cup (add water to make up the difference if you are not - the longer you simmer the more concentrated your flavor but also the more water you lose, if you are leaving the chunks in you can skip this step)
-Release the 1cup of now flavored liquid back into the pan on the stove
-Add 2c sugar
-Simmer until sugar is completely dissolved (5-10min) and has reached an evenly distributed texture (you will have to stir very frequently or even constantly)

-Add your completely homemade syrup to tonic water or soda water (there are machines you can buy that will add carbon bubbles to water if you want to invest in one of those). Usually 1Tablespoon to 8oz of soda water, but feel free to add more if you like your soda pop sweeter.

-Freeze your fruit or start with frozen fruit (freezing fruit begins the cell break down process and also enhances the sweet flavor of your fruit) Avoid seeds when possible.
-Defrost (yeah, I know, but just trust me, it makes all the difference)
-Mottle (or take a blunt object and smash the bejezums out of it til it's complete mush)
-Throw in a pan on the stove (because you are going to have to heat it)
-Add 1cup water
-Simmer for at least half an hour
-Strain through a metal strainer lined with a cheese cloth (or you CAN leave the chunks in if you want just keep the chunks for other recipes, for jams or for topping ice cream with)
-Put the liquid into a measuring cup and add water until you are back at 1cup (if you are a bit over a cup, don't pour any out! Just add twice the difference in sugar! - Also, if you are LEAVING THE CHUNKS IN - you can skip this step completely)
-Add 2cups sugar (do you see the pattern here?)
-Simmer and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and the liquid has a uniform texture
-Remove from heat and let cool

TO MAKE AN HERBED SYRUP: (oh yes, you can, and it is TASTY!)
-Start with either fresh or dried herb of choice
-Chop and mottle (just take a knife and a cutting board and go to town then toss it in a bowl and smash the everlovin bejezums out of it until all of your feelings of aggression for the world have gone)
-Put in a pan (do you see where this is going?)
-Add 1cup water
-Simmer very low (herbs are less tolerant of heat) for at least half an hour (oh, man is it going to smell amazing!)
-Strain (if you want to, but with herbs it's not really necessary) through a cheese cloth lined metal strainer
-Return liquid to pan (or if you aren't straining just go to the next step)
-Add 2cups of sugar
-Simmer and stir for 5-10minutes or until sugar is completely dissolved and the liquid has a completely uniform texture

-Cut zest off (leave the white parts with the rest of the fruit or it will taste bitter - the zest is just the colored part on the outside of the skin)
-Cut the rest of the skin away from the fruit and cut wedges from the meat of the fruit (you want to avoid any and all of the membranes around each fruit: they add bitterness)
-Add 1c water
-Simmer for at least 30minutes
-Strain (or don't) through a cheese cloth lined strainer (save the fruit chunks for other recipes or for topping with ice cream; save the zest pieces and candy them by adding them back to the liquid for the sugar addition, then remove from the liquid)
-Add liquid (and zest if you want to candy your zest) back to the pan
-Add 2c sugar
-Simmer and stir for 5-10 minutes until sugar is completely dissolved and uniform in texture
-If you've candied your zest (which is not a euphamism) you should remove it and reserve for an edible garnish to beverages or to other dishes (candied orange zest is pretty delicious if chopped and added to a salty or spicy stir fry)

You can make homemade snowcones with your syrup: just shave or grate your ice, pack it into the shape you like (but you do have to pack it) then drizzle on the syrup until all the ice has been touched by your amazing creation!

You can mix your syrups together: 1T (<-that means a Tablespoon) strawberry syrup with 1tsp (<-that means a teaspoon) basil syrup and add to soda water or shaved ice and you have and experience, not just a tasty treat!

Most syrups (because of their very sugary nature) will keep in the fridge for quite a while. Trust me, you'll know when it goes bad - and put a lid on it for sure: this sugary substance will inherit the flavors of everything your fridge has to offer including stale air.

And Finally:
Link of the Day: I don't think I know it all and I certainly don't think anyone else does either - least of all the people responsible for the links I add here. I just want to spread the wealth of knowledge that other things are possible in this life, and I hope you can get even a little squeeze of something out of it.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 284: Like a Kleenex just waiting to be tossed out

I mean, really.

I'm a crumpled up used kleenex sitting around waiting for someone to come along and

But the wierdest part about feeling like that is that I'm really not doing anything in the first place. So I don't understand the ache for rest.

But anyway!

Maybe I'll do some sit ups. Yep, you read that right, some sit ups. It's been a while & I can hear my cute little yoga mat calling my name from over there in the corner. Where it belongs.

And I already know what I'm doing tomorrow: running bank/post office and other errands in the morning, baking bread and making soup in the evening! All the rest of the day is up for grabs! Maybe I won't feel like a used up ball of snot filled tissue tomorrow that only wants to be handled then tossed away! Because quite frankly THIS JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! 
So I guess you could say I feel like a confused little crumpled up used kleenex waiting around for someone to come by and throw me in the garbage so I can rest.

Link of the Day: I don't know everything, and I don't propose that the links I provide are the answer to life. I do hope they enrich your life in some way or at the very least make you think.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 282: Upon Looking Deeper

Hiya! Well, today I was faced with yet another conundrum of life. I am forever on the lookout for projects that need help - whether I can help financially or not is a completely separate matter. If I can, I will, otherwise I will try to spread the word about said organization and hope that helps, or if they need a petition signed or whatever... As long as I agree with the fundamentals of the organization and what they are trying to improve about the world.
For instance, there is a rash of "Non-Profit Organizations" that claim to be striving for a cleaner future for our earth: a subject I am all about. However, upon looking a little deeper into the makeup of the organization I may find that this organization is funded largely by a pr firm for a fossil fuel company and that their techniques in making our earth 'greener' are merely an extension of current values continued not to make our world a better place but to make it APPEAR as though such measures are being met and no further research is necessary. For that kind of group, I make NO moves. I do not sign their petitions and I do not further their cause financially or by word of mouth. I'm most certain they've got enough funding funneled in from larger sources, they don't need my help and besides, I hardly think blinders are an appropriate solution to any problem.
I recently saw a petition posed by Monsanto (who started out as the manufacturer of agent orange, let us not forget that) to ask our government to propose implementing their 'growing methods' in third world countries. The problem here is that Monsanto claims patents on any seed they sell, and anyone agreeing to buy/sow their seed agrees they will always only buy seed from them and never save seed. But saving seed is one of the best ways farmers have of ensuring crop integrity for following years and is also one way they are able to raise their profitability - a subject I think we all know they need every little bit of help in. The other problem with Monsanto's patent on seeds is that when they find "their product" in someone else's fields (someone who did not buy seed from them therefore did not sign an agreement to uphold the integrity of their patent) they sue, and subsequently bankrupt or own the rights to the farmer's crop regardless of their will. What is one of the most basic things we learn about plants? They cross polinate in order to grow flowers or crop. So, you see, it is impossible to keep Monsanto out if your neighbor agrees to grow their crop. They infest and contaminate in order to control, and it is UGLY. So, no, I will not help them 'help' people. I don't believe they intend to 'help' anyone. I believe they are a corporation out for profits and nothing else.
Anyway, these are just examples, but the instance I ran into earlier today was more bothersome to me on a personal level. One of the most important values I hold is the value on human rights. Not human rights based on culture, color, gender or otherwise specified degrees of "rightness". We are all human and we all deserve the right to food, water, life, and "the pursuit of happiness".
So when I see an organization touting "If you hate poverty, come help US out!" I'm all over it. Except when I go to this website (or whatever) and see that they are a religious organization.... This is where I'm at a loss... I understand Christianity (having been raised Southern Baptist) to be a faith of love and understanding, but my observations of Christian groups (having been raised Southern Baptist) has shown me quite a different picture. I don't propose that ALL Christians or ALL Christian groups are conditional with their love and compassion, but I do propose that in my experience, most are. So when I see a Christian (Catholic) group proposing to save American children from the devastating effects of poverty: I stop short. I am reluctant. I don't know if I can agree. Why? Because I don't know if they will only help the impoverished kids who say "I love Jesus" or who agree to read their Bible or who are not gay or who do not contend that they are sorry for stealing to feed themselves or their family. Stealing is wrong, sure, but I don't think anyone who does it out of desperation should be ostracized for it, but instead they should be shown ways to help themselves from that point on.

Of course, these are my values and I don't intend to impose them on anyone else. I do, however wonder if I'm alone in this course of thought. I mean, kids is people too, right? Shouldn't children be treated with respect regardless of their social standing or financial standing?

Link of the Day: I don't think I know everything and I certainly do not mean to imply that the links I present do. These links are just meant to provide a little intellectual enlightenment - and maybe even a little spiritual enlightenment: your choice!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 277

As some of you may know and some of you may not know: I am a doula.
WTF is a doula?
A doula is a woman who assists other women during labor and childbirth. In my role as such, I work with women during pregnancy to understand their wishes and thoughts about their experience (or at least their desired experience) for pregnancy and actual labor and delivery as well as neonatal care (newborn care).
In studying to become a doula I learned that there is no certification required, and no certification in my state (New York) available. However; I do want to have some kind of official piece of paper that lets prospective clients know I'm not just some crazy lady who wants to help them have their baby. Even though that's kind of what I am, I think an official piece of paper might add to my legitimacy in some peoples eyes.
Getting certified (not certifiable) requires an academic course then a required number of attended births followed by so many hours of continued education academia. The specifics on these three things are different depending on what source you seek to get your certificate from. The source I chose required a 6 week (and fairly intensive) academic course, 3 births attended and 15 hours of continued education hours each subsequent year. So far, I've finished the academic piece, and have attended 1 birth.
And holy woah, how amazing that experience was. I absolutely loved being there offering support in any way I could. We tried some positioning maneuvers, some essential oils, some breathing (which was her amazing mother's prompting), some visualization, some talk therapy and rationalization speak (which is not easy during labor). Then the baby came and everyone cried and she is a beautiful healthy human being. I felt so inspired to go forth on this journey. I felt a renewed sense of amazement and importance wash over me. I felt a love so strong for the family I was there for and for life in general.
It was so beautiful.
And I had my follow up interview today.
And I got positive feedback from the mother.
And I feel wonderfully confident that I can do this, that I am good at this, that I can get better at this, that I can grow from this, that my community can be positively influenced by what I do.

And now:
Link of the Day:
I make no claims to know everything, and I do not contend that the links I post do either. I simply post them to enrich your mind or to offer the opportunity of such an act.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 275: Maybe I can live up to that.

Everyday, like most people (or at least I hope like most people), I think about my life and how I can improve upon it. I think about ways I can improve my business practices, ways I can rearrange my apartment, ways I can streamline my physique, ways I can feed my family better, ways I can generally improve not only my life, but the life of my family and the life of others.
One of the more selfish (yeah, whatever, being somewhat selfish is NOT bad, we DO have to work on ourselves, don't we?) things I do is write this blog. I do it for me, to clear my head to give myself some creative outlet without having to delve into a huge project. I do HOPE that there are other people who get enjoyment out of it, and I also hope that those of my family and friends who are curious about what might be in the head of someone they know (or love) have a way to find that out. I also, in my live, have found that I am very curious about what my parents think about, what my brothers and cousins and aunts and uncles,  grandparents and friends are thinking about in their lives. I hope, that by writing this blog, my daughter won't have to wonder quite so much about me. Maybe she'll be able to source to this and occupy her mind with other things. Who knows, but it makes me feel better.
Anyway, in an effort to make 2012 a better year than 2011 on a personal level, I hope to be more committed to writing here.
If you're reading this: I hope you like it.
If you don't like this, I really can't take responsibility for that. I curse. There are worse things. And, to me, cursing is a non issue.

Link for the Day:
I don't claim to know everything, and I don't intend for these links to indicate that I do. They are meant to enrich your life of knowledge/spark interest in interesting things. That being said, please enjoy.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 274: Here's an idea... or two.

Here we live in this crazy confusing and complex world. A place where you can be sure you'd rather sit and watch the latest episode of your favorite program than the news, any news, and you'd certainly rather watch that than try to be informed about all the fucked up shit happening everywhere around you. Well, maybe YOU wouldn't, but that seems to be the idea extraordinaire for our population at large. Most people don't know what's in their food, they don't know what congress does all day, they don't know the dangers that REALLY lurk in your household (like bleach). I can't say I blame them. There are definitely days where I wish I could dismiss most of the truths I know. It sure would be easier, not to mention cheaper.
But no, I go on like I do, learning how to be self-sustaining, buying real food and learning how to cook it, finding out the OLD ways of cleaning and integrating them with new stuff that doesn't damage my family's endocrine production. So often I hear people tell me it doesn't matter what I do: there's cancer and disease in everything. I wish they knew more. I wish they had regular access to self educating material, instead of regular access to mindless comedy or drama or dramedy or whatever.
To all this I will say that I seem to talk to more and more people who are aware each day. I think people are waking up from the televisionic slumber and they're realizing their favorite snackfood, their precious chips contains MSG because mono sodium glutamate IS MSG, and the food manufacturer doesn't have to label it so you can understand it. They just have to label it.

Anyway, this isn't meant to be a tirade or a lecture, just a thought.

Another thought I had more recently was to add a link to my post each time I post. I'll call it:

Link of the day:
Some of these links might be educational, inspirational, or just plain thought provoking. I don't claim to know it all, and I don't think any of my links will either, but if you give them a chance they just might give you something else.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Z-cT8Qe7y3k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>