Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 491: Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy!

Stuff that makes me happy:
Good Friends
Fresh Air
Small Surprises

Stuff that makes me unhappy:
Being Placated
Being Wet
Throwing things away
Running Late

The things that are making me happiest lately?
Being with my lovely little family. Summers are tough for us - We are more like single parents than a family unit because of our hectic work schedules, so when we have the chance to all be together, it is absolutely enjoyable.

Spending time with good friends. I have been so lucky to have spent truly quality time with some of the most amazing people I've ever met in my whole life. Seriously: my soul weeps with joy from knowing these people, and when I get to hang out with them, I feel like a very very very very lucky girl.

Coconut oil, garlic, ginger, lavender, rosemary, vanilla and fresh made juice, and fresh produce.

And I don't want to talk about the stuff that makes me unhappy, because, well, it makes me unhappy and I don't want to talk about it!

Link of the Day:

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 487 : Running this race all by yourself, Kid.

Have you ever noticed - or maybe you are like this yourself - that there are people in this world who are extremely competitive?
I mean, extremely.
They have to be the fastest person on the road : no one can pass them.
They have to be first in line : they'll do just about anything to get somewhere before it opens, or leave a concert 20 minutes early to "beat the rush". (and not because they don't like to wait in lines, they just can't seem to allow themselves to be around all those losers at the same time, much less be caught in a stream of traffic with them - because, in their eyes, he who left 3rd might as well as left last because "nanny-nanny-boo-boo, you're stuck in traffic for 20 minutes now!")
They have to be the best (and I do mean THE BEST) at everything: cooking, working, walking (yeah, I said walking - you know what I'm talking about as someone tries to mask a casual glance at your gait then decides they have to change theirs to make it better than yours), talking, arguing, mudslinging - you freaking name it and they are trying to beat you at it.

And these people will go to extreme measures to "get to the top", and if they think you're below them, they'll expect you to help them get there. They'll ask "Uh, hey, would you mind..." and if you're like "Dude, I'm busy." they'll get totally ripped and snippy and comment on how worthless your efforts are like, "Seriously? You REALLY need to eat that box of Lucky Charms right now? That's ridiculous when I need you to help me put my treadmill in my trunk so I can run on my lunchbreak."

They'll bring up stuff like recipes in an innocent enough way, saying "Have you ever made stir-fry?" and when you're like "Sure! I love to make stir-fry! I like to put water chestnuts in, they're my ..." they'll cut you off to insert their own winning agenda "Yeah, but do you cut your own fresh vegetables (insert stinky face and low approving tone)or do you use those frozen mixed precut super duper cheap and amazingly convenient bags of vegetables to make it with?" Knowing full well that you prefer fresh veggies to anything even slightly processed, so when you answer with "Actually, no, I don't mind cutting..." Cut off again because the conversation was never really an actual conversation at all, but really just a platform for the competitor to show how much they are winning at life over you or anyone else who is (insert stinky face and approving tone) cutting up their own fresh vegetables for stir fry.

Not actual circumstances (I hope), but I think you get the point of my example.

Which I only bring up because I don't get it. I mean, I'm not running that race with these compettitors, but from all observations it would appear that they think I am.
And I don't mean to knock it : competitive natures can be very influential and motivating.

I just don't understand it.

But then again, I've never been that competitive unless I'm playing cards or a board game.

The rest of life for me is just an intertwining mess of experiences to be analyzed and mulled over and wondered about. Competitive natures being one of those things I've been experiencing a lot of lately.

Link of the Day:

Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 485 : Raw

There's no doubt about it: Raw is great.
Raw emotion
Raw talent
Raw food

It's all good.

So, to further my efforts for a healthier life, I'm trying to incorporate more raw foods into my diet and my family's diet.

I've resolved to eat either one raw meal a day or at least one raw side dish with at least one meal a day. I'm also trying to include 1 meatless day to my family's diet, or at least 1 meatless dinner a week. It isn't as difficult as it sounds it just requires a slight stray of thought from prepackaged food to "I can totally peel carrots & cut up a cucumber just as easily as I can heat up that package of corn." The nutritional advantages there alone are worth the effort, not to mention the 5 minutes. That's what I'm trying to do for my family, but really for myself, I'm trying to go meatless entirely. I don't know if I'll succeed at that or not, but I definitely feel like I want to try. I also think that the act of just trying to eliminate meat will at least help me reduce the amount of meat I eat.

And wheat, I want to reduce wheat too - replaced with more oats, quinoa and rice. I've already switched all the pasta in our house from wheat pasta to either rice, beans or quinoa pasta. None of this is easy to start, but it's certainly not difficult to carry on once you've done the research.

The other thing I'm realizing is that it's just a different kind of lifestyle to
       A) include more raw food 
       B) reduce the amount of meat in our diet.

I think it will only help my efforts to create a healthier world for my family.
Plus, I'm still trying to lose weight from my pregnancy.
Losing weight by changing your eating habits is a slow process, but I can honestly say it's felt worth the wait so far. (Pun intended)

Link of the Day: